Thursday, December 13, 2012

It seems all my life I've been trained to wait for the light at the end of the tunnel.  First it was getting into college, then passing my pre-med classes, then getting into medical school, then not failing out of medical school, then taking boards examinations so that you can be accepted into a residency program.  All of intern year, you are waiting to be an upper level resident while trying not to kill anyone. Then you have to get into a fellowship program for another few years. Then once you finish fellowship, it's either trying to get hired as a faculty member or finding a lucrative private practice that may or may not steal your soul.  And this is what us medical folks call the tunnel.  Sometimes I think of it more like a black hole.  

Nonetheless, I am nearing the end of my tunnel. Finishing my third and final year of residency in internal medicine this year, I am planning to become a geriatrician--one more year of training. Sigh. But instead of waiting until after fellowship to bask in the light outside of the tunnel, I have bought dynamite.  There will be a great explosion, and I will emerge out of the shattered tunnel.  I better get some sunscreen. Throw out those vitamin D supplements. World, here I come!

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